Happy New Year 2022

2022 Thoughts – Lessons Learned from 2021

December 31st, 2021

Daya Haddock, President & CEO, TIA, Inc.

 We enjoyed some optimism that 2021 would be better, and in some ways, it was: (thank you science for vaccines, better maneuvering of remote work/life balance, and opportunities to gather safely for travel, sports, theater, & family visits).  But for the most part, we spent our second pandemic year the same way we spent the first. Grappling with major challenges of climate change, over-extended health care systems, limited supply chains, labor shortages, racial inequality, rising mental health issues, and polarized political systems. The weight of these unprecedented challenges is crushing.  But at the same time can be a motivator to encourage us to create change.   

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. – Margaret Mead

We must become the change we wish to see in the world.  – Mahatma Ghandi

As a leader, I think it’s time to look in the mirror and evaluate the way we have been doing things.  We’ve got to change how we do business, how we treat people, and how we impact the planet.  Change is constant and any chance of a “new normal” will be a fluid concept. My lessons learned from 2021 are:

1.    its ok to pivot – rethink new industries and services while holding true to your beliefs

2.    be human – all of us are human beings, but not all of us are being human

3.    companies that put people first (their customers & team) will survive

4.    embrace changes in technology – some will fail but many will enable you to be more productive, innovative, and grow

I am encouraged that 2022 will be better than the past 2 years, because we are better prepared and adapting!  Here is what TIA is doing in 2022 while harnessing what we learned. Stay tuned!

1.    Focus on what is missing in the market and work diligently to create a solution.  TIA has launched Tiered Services to better categorize learning deliverables and make it easier for our customers to choose what is most important for their culture of learning.  Take a spin around our new website www.tiainc.com

2.    We continue to grow in the XaaS Economy. Our Learning as a Service (LaaS) subscription-based, cyber secure, custom learning portal continues to provide easy access for learners and watch Point-of-Work solutions.  This outsource subscription service has grown as TIA customers are signing multi-year contracts because of the ease and value of us managing their LMS – today we host 500+ custom courses and support 17,000+ learners.

3.    Market to companies that put people first. Businesses that prioritize on continuous learning and creative thinking are creating a deep commitment to their people. We want to work with these organization and provide our modern learning solutions!

4.    Leverage new technologies and software into our blended learning solutions such as, building eLearning with more interactivity and hands on simulations, incorporating virtual reality animations, and enhancing the virtual classroom (vILT) seminars with lab activities or peer-to-peer mentoring and breakout scenarios.

5.    Continue to build TIA teams with experts in instructional design, videography, graphic design, technical writing, project managers, business process analysts, and editors, to name a few.

6.    Do what we can as a small business to create a culture of well-being.  Contribute time and donations to the communities in which we live. TIA team members choose charities of their choice, and we plan for service days or financial contributions to be active participants where we work and live.

It’s a lot to do, but TIA has been in business since 1980 and pivoted several times.  We will continue to do so.

One thing remains certain – learning and skills growth is what keeps us adaptable to make change and navigate any challenges.  TIA will be here and can’t wait to build those custom learning programs for your journey.

We are excited for this new year, and we wish you the best in 2022!!


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